

Black and white vintage photo with a view of historic Wallace, Idaho.

Fall for History Festival: Wallace, Idaho, Sept. 30-Oct. 3

History-themed festival returns to Wallace and will include tours of museums and historic homes live theater re-enactments, and more.
Dirt trail traversing a hillside, with yellow, orange, and purple wildflowers along the sides.

Celebrate Public Lands Day at Saltese Uplands (Sept. 25)

Inland Northwest Land Conservancy will host a birding hike, stewardship projects, and guided bike ride on Sept. 25 at Saltese Uplands Conservation Area.
Woman ready to ride a mountain bike from the demo bike area at Spokatopia.

Spokatopia Outdoor Adventure Festival Adapts to COVID

The Inland Northwest’s only outdoor adventure festival moved to Saturday, September 18 this year in hopes that the COVID public health situation would be improved, ...
Forested trail at Mica Peak Conservation Area, with yellow larch trees and red and orange hues on leaves.

Explore Spokane County Conservation Futures Lands: Virtual Public Comments on Sept. 9

Fall is a great season for exploring Conservation Futures properties. A Zoom meeting for public comments on the 8 prospective new properties is Sept. 9.

Tour Lake Coeur d’Alene on Two Wheels at CDA Fondo

Italian-born Gran Fondos, or big rides, are group bike rides where the focus for many is on the route, the scenery, and the joys of ...
Swinging bridge over the Spokane River and its raging whitewater rapids at the Bowl and Pitcher area of Riverside State Park.

“Wednesdays in the Woods” Returns to Spokane’s Riverside State Park

Free event series returns to Riverside State Park, sponsored by REI Co-op, Washington State Parks, and Riverside State Park Foundation.
Group of teen and pre-teen bike riders in Colville, with view of hills and trees in background.

Kids Events At Blazing Saddles Bike Ride (August 7)

Blazing Saddles event organizers added a Little Pepper Family Ride, a 5-mile route for younger riders, on August 7, 2021, in Colville, Wash.
Three boys and girl on their bikes ready to ride the campground loop road.

Kids & Family Bike Safety Rodeo in Colville (July 31)

Children can learn bike safety and handling skills on July 31, starting at 9:30 a.m. in Colville, WA, hosted by the local Rotary Club.
Photo of racers along Chafe 150.

CHAFE 150 Ride Supports Schools in Sandpoint

The Rotary Club sponsored CHAFE 150 benefit bike ride, on September 11, 2021, supports education in the greater Sandpoint, Idaho, community.
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