
Trail & Conservation News

A man with a yellow helmet in the forest.

Trail & Public Lands Champions: Bill Way and the NEWTS

Some of us only ride, hike, or run trails. But there are many others who also support outdoor recreation and conservation groups and volunteer their ...
A forested mountainside during fall.

New California Creek Trail at Mica Peak

Spokane County, Wash. Construction of California Creek, the main singletrack trail at Mica Peak Conservation Area, just wrapped up at the end of July 2020 in spite of new complications placed on ...
A person hiking through a field with two pine trees.

Work Begins on New Dishman Hills Trailhead

Spokane Valley, Wash.  Volunteer efforts are in the works on a new trailhead on the south side of the Dishman Hills, just west of the ...
Even when you're hard at work, there's always time for a laugh on a work party. Photo: Jane Baker, Washington Trails Association

Volunteer Trail Work

When Washington moves into Phase 3, the Washington Trails Association will be adding additional day trip opportunities to support and give back to trails. For experienced backpackers, ...
A woman smiling while driving a truck camper.

Ocean to Idaho: Following the Chinook Salmon

This summer, journalist, filmmaker, and outdoor enthusiast Kris Millgate of Idaho Falls is setting off on an epic road trip chasing salmon across the Pacific Northwest. Her adventure is intended to inspire ...
Person holding a brochure with a river in the background.

Riverside State Park Trail Map Released

Spokane, Wash.  Last month, the Riverside State Park Foundation proudly released the most complete and comprehensive trail map for Washington’s largest state park. Considering Riverside ...
A person in a construction machine, clearing a trail.

Pandemic Doesn’t Slow Trail Building

Thankfully many mountain bike trail builders have a hard time sitting still. While much of Washington State was shut down this spring due to the ...
Person biking down a paved forest trail.

Trail Building Starts at New Wallace Bike Park

The new owners of Wallace, Idaho-based Silver Streak Zipline Tours aren’t letting any grass grow under their feet after purchasing the zip tour operation last year. Stemming ...

12 Groups for Mother Nature

Give back to the places and trails that make your life better by donating what you can to a local conservation or trails group. Some ...
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