
Photo of jogger running across bridge in Turnbull.

Where to Look for Animal Tracks in Spokane and North Idaho

There are many great places to find wildlife tracks this winter, including our two local wildlife refuges. Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge, located in the channeled ...
Snowshoe Hare tracks in snow.

Hunt for Animal Tracks on Snowy Hikes

When the snow falls it creates a great opportunity to get outside and look for signs of our region’s abundant wildlife. Taking time to identify ...
Grizzly mama and cubs roam free in Denali National Park.

What to do if You Encounter a Bear

What would you do if you came face to face with a grizzly bear? You may have just a second to react—like 0.7 seconds if ...
Photo of the firebug, Pyrrhocoris Apterus, after the winter thaw.

Stayin’ Alive: How Insects Survive Winter

As the temperatures drop, we begin gearing up for winter. We layer up our clothes and split wood to keep our houses warm. If you ...
Photo of lynx.

Canada Lynx: Wizened Cat of the Woods

I have seen a fair amount of wildlife in my time as a field ecologist and wilderness trip leader, but I have only caught one ...
Photo of dead trees in grassy area.

How a Changing Climate Affects Our Forests

With global temperatures on the rise, forests in our region are changing and are expected to change even more. Forests make up nearly half of ...
Photo of watermelon snow in foreground with mountain peaks in the background.

The Living Snow Project at Western Washington University

The goal of the Living Snow Project is to better understand the distribution, abundance, and diversity of snow algae (often called “watermelon snow”) in the ...
Photo of ice worms on snow.

Glacier Ice Worms: What Are They and Where to Find Them

My partner John and I were planning to camp at Ingraham Flats, a nice bench on the Ingraham Glacier at 11,000 feet, just above Mount ...
Photo of firefighters walking on dirt path in front of a fire.

Wildlands Firefighter: Profile of Kurtis Robinson

Kurtis Robinson is not someone who sits back and watches life happen. That’s true in his work as president of the Spokane chapter of the ...
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