
Paddleboard yogis line up in a lunge. Photo: Shallan Knowles

River Yoga

“Push back into child’s pose,” our instructor says. Her soothing yoga voice engages us to soften muscles and minds as we settle our hips over ...
Cross your legs, right leg on top, and take your left hand behind back to the small of your waist, clasping the right. Photo: Benjamin Zmuda

Yoga for Climbers: Poses to Add to Your Rockside Ritual

Yoga for climbers can be active, gentle or a combination of both, depending on whether it is used for cross-training, recovery or just warm-up. Climbers have ...
Yoga sometimes looks like a good game of Twister. Photo: Fiona Hicks

Right Hand Blue—Yoga for the Resisters

There are few things I have resisted as staunchly in my life as Zumba, eating liver, and practicing yoga. As far as I could tell, ...
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