Run Wild

Spokane Winter Runners

By Sarah Hauge Many runners have to force themselves out the door in the winter months, mainlining Vitamin D supplements and longing for shorts, tank ...
person running along an empty roadway with sunset colors on a flat horizon.

When You Keep Running But Not Sure Why

Q&A with a runner who took up the sport during the pandemic about why he started and why—despite definite ups and downs—he hasn’t quit.  
View of two runners' feet in motion.

Run Faster: 6 Steps To Increase Your Speed

Train to run faster using these six steps, including speed work, strength training, gait analysis, and getting enough rest.
Scene looking down at grass with a water bottle, rolled-up white towel, smart phone with earbuds, and pair of running shoes.

8 Ways To Improve Your Running Life

Ideas to improve your running life by helping to get you out the door faster, eliminate decision fatigue, and combat doldrums.
Winter running by the river.

Why I Like Winter Running

Run Wild columnist provides encouragement and advice for continuing a running routine during winter, especially for one's mental well-being.
Group of runners on a paved trail in a treed park.

5 Ways Out of a Running Rut

Bored with your regular running routine? Need different terrain, new trails, or new running buddies? Here are 5 remedies to get out of a rut.
Runner on a dirt trail in the wilderness.

Benefits of Backcountry Running

Learn about the physical and mental benefits of backcountry and alpine running and meet Priest Lake Multisports owners Ken and Stephanie Eldore.
Man taking a selfie with thumbs-up sign to celebrate his walk in a new neighborhood in Spokane. House and street in background.

Walking or Running Every Single Street in Spokane

Tom Griffen, who moved to Spokane in early 2020, is getting to know Spokane by walking every one of its streets.
Boots next to a manhole cover on the road.

The Rhythmic Restoration of Walking

What is it about walking that’s so appealing, and how can walking benefit runners? Spokane physical therapist Jonathan Hook explains, in this Run Wild column.
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