
Latest Past Events

Avalanche Awareness with Northwest Avalanche Center

REI Spokane 1125 N Monroe, Spokane

Whether you ski, snowshoe, snowboard or snowmobile in the backcountry, recognition of avalanche danger is an essential and potentially lifesaving skill. This session introduces and explains where and why avalanches occur and provides a basic approach to managing risk in the backcountry. Learn to access local avalanche bulletins and weather reports, recognize basic signs of […]


Global Fat Bike Day +1

Schweitzer Mountain Resort 10,000 Schweitzer Mountain Road, Sandpoint

In it's 7th year, Global Fat Bike Day is just like it sounds, a day to celebrate and ride fat bikes. Technically, Saturday (12/7) is the day, but hey, many of us work on Saturdays, so we are declaring the whole weekend a Fat Bike Holiday. Here is the plan: * Meet up at the […]


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