Looking For A Few Good Trail Workers

Just received this from Karen at Inland Northwest Trails:

Fall is perfect weather for trail work!

WTA (Washington Trails Association) will be doing work and will need volunteers. They provide equipment – volunteers bring gloves, wear boots, long sleeve shirt, long pants for protection from brush.

Work includes cutting brush back from the trail, sometimes working on the surface, cutting logs, or perhaps putting in a ditch to direct water away from the trail. Volunteers work at their own pace and rest whenever needed. Bring along a lunch. Beverages and cookies are provided at the end of the day. Volunteers usually meet at 8:30am and work until about 3:30pm Jane Baker is our WTA Eastern Washington Leader.
It is a very good way to give back to the trails we all love!

The last days of trail work for Fall 2010 are:

Iller Creek Conservation Area (Rocks of Sharon)
Saturday September 25th
Sunday September 26th

Liberty Lake County Park
Saturday October 9th
Sunday October 10th

To Sign Up:

To see photos or for more local information:

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